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Forum Posts

Arielle Bradberry
Mar 07, 2022
In Living with...(i.e. PTSD, etc)
While walking through a grochery store I stopped for a moment, froze and felt sick to my stomach. I had that feeling in the pit of my stomach that truly just felt awful. I was staring at a bottle of apple juice not knowing what was going on with me. I stood almost in tears and then it hit me, it was almost Valentines Day. Valentine's Day in 2016 was the worse day of my life. Your ptsd can hit you close to the date of a traumatic event and others times it can be completely random. I called a family member and talked to them about it. Just talking aloud to someone helped so much. We are here for you ❤️
PTSD Can Spring Up On You Anywhere, Anytime  content media
Arielle Bradberry
Mar 07, 2022
In Living with...(i.e. PTSD, etc)
Everyday can be a challenge. The more I learn about my disorder the harder it is for me to understand what is my personality and what is my disorder. There are so many traits that I have that follow under my bipolar diagnosis, but they can be typical of people who don't have bipolar disorder. It can be very confusing. Just know you are not alone, and you deserve to be happy. Make your own judgement, and realize is ok to have big dreams, and not be manic. I'm here for you!and battling hard! We are warriors.
Living With Bipolar Disorder content media

Arielle Bradberry

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